What are the costs and financing of studies for foreign students?

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Fees for Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees

Tuition fees for university and university of applied sciences students in Switzerland vary depending on a number of factors, including the educational establishment, the level of study, the student’s nationality and the region in which the university or university of applied sciences is located. Here is some general information on tuition fees in Switzerland:

  1. Public universities: Public universities in Switzerland, such as the University of Zurich, the University of Geneva, etc., generally have relatively low tuition fees for Swiss students and EU nationals. These fees generally range from a few hundred Swiss francs to a few thousand Swiss francs per academic year. International students from outside the European Union may be subject to higher tuition fees.
  2. Specialised universities (HES): Tuition fees at specialised universities, which offer more practically oriented and professional courses, can vary depending on the school, the study programme and the level of study. Annual fees can vary from a few thousand Swiss francs to around 10,000 Swiss francs for Swiss students and EU nationals. International students from outside the European Union may be subject to higher tuition fees. 
  3. Private universities: Private universities in Switzerland may have higher tuition fees than public institutions. Fees vary considerably from one private university to another and can reach several tens of thousands of Swiss francs per academic year.

It is important to note that the information provided here is general and may vary from one institution to another. We recommend that you consult the official websites of Swiss higher education institutions and contact the admissions offices directly for precise information on tuition fees for the programme and level of study that interests you.

Frais d'inscription

Veuillez noter que vous devez contacter directement les universités en Suisse pour avoir plus d’informations sur les frais d’inscription.

Pour les licences

Les frais d'inscription sont de CHF 50 à CHF 500 par semestre pour les détenteurs d'un certificat suisse, et de CHF 150 à CHF 1500 pour les certificats étrangers.

Pour les masters

Les frais d'inscription sont de CHF 50 à CHF 500 par semestre pour les détenteurs d'un certificat suisse et de CHF 150 à CHF 1500 pour les certificats étrangers.

Pour les doctorats

Pour les doctorats Les frais d'inscription varient entre 115 CHF et 295 CHF par semestre pour les étudiants titulaires d'un master d'une université étrangère et environ 120 CHF par semestre pour les étudiants titulaires d'un master d'une université suisse.

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